Sunday, December 20, 2015

Amos Analysis 5:26

Walk through Amos, verse by verse, with the great Bible Commentaries of Matthew Henry (1662 - 1714) & Adam Clarke (1760 - 1832)
Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols.
{Do thou away from me the noise of thy songs, and I shall not hear the songs of thine harp.}
Wycliffe's Bible
The noise of thy songs - the melody of thy viols - They had both vocal and instrumental music in those sacrificial festivals; and God hated the noise of the one and shut his ears against the melody of the other. In the first there was nothing but noise, because their hearts were not right with God; and in the latter there could be nothing but (זמרת zimrath ) cutting and scraping, because there was no heart - no religious sense in the thing, and nearly as little in them that used it.