Sunday, December 20, 2015

Creation Moment 12/21/2015 - Beards

The secular pro-evolution magazine New Republic, asks the question about men & women & beards as it relates to evolution. We have an answer for them that fits the evidence we see in the design of genders.....

"How did they end up with a band of hair on their cheeks and chins that society requires they scrape off every day? If one hopes to discover the meaning of beards, it makes sense to start with these basic questions. And that will require us to peer into the mists of the evolutionary past.

It is tempting to think that beards are a holdover from our much hairier progenitors, that for whatever reason, this trait survived as we developed into the naked ape. Yet bonobos, our closest relative in the animal kingdom, lack hair around their mouths—precisely where the human beard grows. It would seem that, if anything, human beings have added hair to their faces, even as they lost it most other places. Even if our ape ancestors had had hairy faces, a question would remain: Why did women lose this hair while men retained it? As it is, a hairy chin and upper lip are virtually unique to the human male.
Beginning with Charles Darwin himself, evolutionary theorists have pondered the origins of the beard." NewRepublic

ANSWER- part 1) First, humans are not bonobos nor related to any other primate.... So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; Genesis 1:27
part 2) Men & Women were created distinct & designed for different purposes.....male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27