Sunday, December 20, 2015

Creation Moment 12/20/2015 - Brain Wiring

 And God said, Let us make man...
Genesis 1:26

"...the elegant design of the brain. Rather than a random tangle of neurons and neuronal processes, the brain at the microscopic level is a remarkable organized system of connections.

The complexity of the brain at the microscopic level -- the elegance of the microanatomy and physiology of the brain -- is astonishing. There is even clear evidence of irreducible complexity in innervation of agonist and antagonist muscles -- for example in muscles that control eye movement.
Rather than remain silent (the wisest strategy for Darwinists when presented with evidence like this for design), biologist P.Z. Myers jumped in with both feet. What he said provides a remarkable insight into what passes for scientific insight -- and even logic -- in the Darwinist in-group.
Getting axons in the nervous system to their proper destinations actually is a very complex problem: much wires, many connections, wow. If you look at complex systems like the brain, you shouldn't be surprised that the mechanisms are complex. And further, the functional requirements of those systems, which may require that Neuron A navigate to Target B in order for the pattern to work, it's easy to say that the purpose of those mechanisms is to hook A up to B. It does not imply the existence of a designer, only the existence of functional constraints.
"[V]ery complex problem... complex systems... mechanisms are complex... functional requirements... purpose of those mechanisms... existence of functional constraints..." Obvious design.
Myers's conclusion: "It does not imply the existence of a designer..." Well, what exactly would imply a designer, if not this? Is Myers looking for a signature?" EN&V