Friday, December 18, 2015

The "Really" File - (Swedish hen Revolution)

 ........male and female created he them.
Genesis 1:27

"The Egalia daycare center in Stockholm, Sweden is promoting itself as the site of a radical experiment by allowing each child to choose his or her own gender.

Society expects girls to be delicate, gentle and beautiful, and boys
to be brave, rough and extroverted. At Egalia we give them the fantastic opportunity to be whoever they want to be,” said Jenny Johnsson, a teacher at the daycare center.

The center said that one year after opening its doors, it has a waiting list of more than 200 families.

Who are the ones encouraging this school the most? Same-sex couples,” administrators said, according to" EWTN

From the "Really" File
"In the Egalia, a preschool in Stockholm, there are no male or female students. Instead, all children are referred to as 'hen' – a gender-neutral pronoun that has become so established in Sweden that it will be recognized next month in the newest edition of the country's official dictionary.
According to experts, the 'hen'-revolution in Sweden has two primary origins: LGBT groups have promoted the pronoun as a way to raise awareness for their cause. However, support for the idea has also come from a more unexpected side: Nurseries, kindergartens and preschools such as Egalia increasingly argue that the pronoun's usage allows children to grow up without feeling the impact of gender biases."