Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween... What to do?

“What is a Christian to do?
 * Should we close our doors on Halloween and shut off our porch lights and ignore what is happening in our neighborhood?
* Is it appropriate to provide an innocent alternative at the church (like some sort of harvest festival or social night)?
* Perhaps we should open our doors to children and give them something healthy (instead of candy) along with Christian literature.

Follow the Bible. Teach your children plainly and clearly that the Bible does not support worshiping or honoring dead people Whether the roots of Halloween
come from the Samhain pagan beliefs in having a feast for the dead or an attempt by the Christian church to honor dead saints. No Christian can truly “celebrate” Halloween.

Draw clear boundaries. Decide, based on Scripture, what you choose to do at Halloween. Some activities at Halloween are obviously things a Christian will not participate in: watching horror movies, eating lots of junk food, playing pranks that hurt people, telling scary stories, or visiting so-called haunted attractions." AmazingFacts

Wherefore come out from among them,
and be ye separate,
saith the Lord,
and touch not the unclean thing;
2 Corinthians 6:17