Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Papal Notes - Papal PR Game hits new high

"A young boy wandered onto the stage at the Vatican this past weekend, hugging Pope Francis as he
tried to give a speech.
The boy, who looks about 6, was originally sitting on the steps near the Pope, while Francis listened to followers address him at the Vatican's Year of Faith Celebration.
Boys will be boys, and this one wanted a closer look at the man in the robe. So, he wandered up to give a personal hello.

But the boy's misadventure didn't end there. He kissed the cross around the Pope's neck.
Eventually Francis convinced the child to take a seat. But he didn't go back to his spot on the steps. Instead, the rambunctious youngster sat on the Pope's chair while he continued his speech, which led to this a-dor-a-ble photo that @pegobry posted on Twitter." YahooNews

The PR Game by this Pope is the best I've ever seen-and now hits a new high, for who could possibly not find this scene "sweet"? (BTW, when I call this "PR", I'm not saying that this was staged).
Yet, we must remember where all this leads to and is about. What this man truly represents, especially in the context of Reformation Day today.
Let us not forget what the office this man holds currently did on the pages of history....and who this office was compared to in Revelation- .....that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. Revelation 2:20