Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Papal Notes - UN & Pope Francis

"VATICAN CITY - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday hailed Pope Francis as "a

spiritual leader of the world" and emphasized goals of social justice shared between the Vatican and the United Nations.
"The Holy See and the UN share common goals and ideas," said Ban—one of the first world leaders to be received at an audience by the new pontiff.
"Pope Francis is a man of peace and purpose. He is a voice for the voiceless," he said.
The UN leader also commented on the pope's choice to name himself after St Francis of Assisi, saying this was "a powerful message for the many goals shared by the United Nations."
...and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3
The "beast" is an institution (the Papacy) headed by an individual-it's not specically Francis