Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Confession to a Priest (Canon 21)

Confession the man-made way,
alone in the closet with another man
"Canon 21, also known as “Omnis ultriusque sexus", mandated universal confession for every Christian at least once a year. All members also had to partake in the sacrament of the Eucharist at Easter. Before Eucharist was taken, all members must confess to their priest. Prior to the enactment of canon 21, there were no regulations or mandates on confession and Eucharist. Failure to observe this canon resulted in being barred from entering a church during a person's lifetime and the denial of a Christian burial at death. Canon 21 invested a broad social power among individual priests and increased their control over the individual conscience. If an individual has wronged another person, they are required to confess that sin directly to the priest" WikiaSP

This was the 4th lateran Council held in 1215, Canon #21

Confession God's Way-in your
"spiritual closet" alone with God
But what does Christ say about who we should confess to?

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret;
Matthew 6:6    ..........also, I didn't read any mention about confessions on "Easter" in Scripture...