Thursday, April 11, 2013

Creation Moment 4/12/2013 - The "Great Bearded One"?

‘Since Darwin’s death, all has not been rosy in the evolutionary garden. The theories of the Great Bearded One (Did Mr. Brooks just call darwin the "great bearded one"? LOL - whatever.....) have been hijacked by cranks, politicians, social reformers—and scientists—to support racist and bigoted views. A direct line runs from Darwin, through the founder of the eugenics movement—Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton—to the extermination camps of Nazi Europe.’
Martin Brookes, ‘Ripe old age,’ New Scientist 161(2171):41

Logical Conclusion to Evolutionary Thinking
Actually, Mr. Brooks, that "LINE" is the logical conclusion of darwinian evolution. If evolution were to be true, and there is no God, then why not try & push the evolutionary trajectory along to a perfect race and stamp out the "inferior" races along the way? They were just following darwinaian views.

But GOD considers all men to be of one human race-all worthy to die for--
And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth,
Acts 17:26 ESV
Someone had the COURAGE to say NO