Saturday, July 20, 2024

SDA Issues - Trump assassination attempt

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 
Revelation 13:11

"On July 16, 2024, La Croix International published an article
declaring that
Evangelical Christians attribute Donald Trump’s survival from the assassination attempt to a miracle performed by Christ.
In what is being called a divine intervention by the Virgin Mary, many Roman Catholics believe that Donald Trump’s life was spared not by chance but by a higher power—the so-called blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of God. When an assailant fired a bullet with lethal intent, many believe the Virgin Mary diverted it from its deadly course, thus saving Trump’s life. Catholics are
calling this a modern-day miracle. The attempted assassination of Donald Trump is being used by Catholics to reaffirm their belief in the ability of the
Virgin Mary to save lives. By inserting Mary in the presidential elections, we are seeing an effort to further a religious narrative. In this instance, spiritualism—the Virgin Mary and her role in saving Donald Trump’s life—is being employed as a means of evoking strong feelings in the public."

When the Mark of the Beast comes….it will come.
Whether by the Christian Right via the G.O.P.….. or the Laudato Si’ Climate CULT via the Democrats.
And since the S.O.P. tells us it will be when calamities befall our land one can see one side calling for it to appease an angry Father God and the other side claiming we need to appease an angry mother earth to reduce our so-called “carbon footprint”, or as Laudato Si’ says to celebrate the day of the Eucharist like the “Jewish Sabbath”. (Laudato Si' p.#233-237)
Hence—COMMON GROUND for the “COMMON GOOD” will be achieved.
Trump could not enforce a counterfeit Sabbath without support of the Left and Democrats could not enforce a Laudato Si’ style climate lockdown on Sunday without support from the Right.
Both sides would have to unite when the time comes……and THEY WILL.