Saturday, July 20, 2024

IN the NEWS - An assassins last search

Then when lust hath conceived,
it bringeth forth sin: and sin, 
when it is finished, 
bringeth forth death. 
James 1:15

"On Friday afternoon, it was reported that the phone of attempted Donald Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks had been cracked by FBI agents at the bureau’s Operational Technology Division in Quantico, Virginia.
There were several revelations on the phone that were, perhaps, to be expected. There was no sign of any radical ideology, although Crooks had made several searches of both Trump and President Joe Biden.
One of his final searches was for the same thing that other shooters and Islamic terrorists are known to have on their devices when they’re found.
The last searches before Thomas Matthew Crooks tried to kill Donald Trump — an act that almost certainly assured Crooks himself would die, too, given the nature of the act — were for pornography.
And, according to an FBI source, this is hardly shocking to the bureau.
’It’s not unusual,’ the source said, noting that Sandy Hook elementary school mass shooter Adam Lanza had images of child abuse on his phone and that numerous al-Qaida terrorists have been found to have searched for extreme pornography along with tracts for Islamist purity." 
Western Journal