Friday, July 26, 2024

IN the NEWS - Charisma Magazine Spreads Fake News

But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matthew 15:19

"Charisma Magazine, a prominent Christian publication targeting Pentecostal and charismatic audiences, advocates for observing Sunday as a day of rest, emphasizing its benefits for mental and physical health.

On July 21, 2024, Charisma magazine reported the following:
The Sabbath is for renewal. Similar to yearly rites of passage and other life thresholds such as birthdays, anniversaries and holidays,
Sunday is the birth of a new week with fresh opportunities for the good work the Lord equips us for
Each new Sunday is a rebirth, a time for an accounting of the past while recommitting our future back to the Father who gifted them to us from the beginning.
The relentless pursuit of productivity often leads to burnout and diminished mental and physical health.”
In this era of digital distraction..... Your Sundays offer a precious opportunity to unplug from the digital noise and cultivate deeper connections—with Jesus, with loved ones, with your church family and among friends and neighbors where we have the chance to bring Jesus to a world starved for His peace and joy.”

This is referred to as misleading advertising and fake news. Instead of referring to Saturday, a false and deceptive claim is made about Sunday. There is a widespread movement to elevate Sunday—a man-made invention—above God’s true Sabbath. Sunday worship is a departure from the Biblical commandment and embraces the traditions of men." AdventMessenger