Friday, July 26, 2024

2 Peter 1:5

Giving all diligence
add to your faith virtue
and to virtue knowledge,.... 
2 Peter 1:5
"If thou wouldest enjoy the eminent grace of the full assurance of faith, under the blessed Spirit's influence, and assistance, do what the Scripture tells thee, "Give diligence." 
Plead with God that He would give thee the face of a lion, that thou mayest, with a consciousness of right, go on boldly.
Study well the Scriptures, and get knowledge; for a knowledge of doctrine will tend very much to confirm faith. 
Try to understand God's Word; 
let it dwell in thy heart richly.
Have a love to all the saints: "Give diligence," if you would get assurance, 
for lukewarmness and doubting 
very naturally go hand in hand." 
Charles Spurgeon