Saturday, May 4, 2024

IN the NEWS - Todays Evil Knows No Bounds

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,....Being filled with all unrighteousness....wickedness, .... full of ....murder.....
Genesis 6:5/Romans 1:29

"The son of a millionaire allegedly lured a teenage pizza shop worker on a date, took her home and hacked her body up, a court heard.
A remarkable breakthrough in the case of dismembered Sade
Robinson, 19, from Wisconsin led to the arraignment of a 33-year-old bartender Maxwell Anderson as more details about the gruesome murder emerge. Anderson was arraigned on Friday for
the horrific butchering of Sade - who went missing on April 1. Her body parts were later discovered and scattered across Milwaukee.
Anderson, who used to work for his father's insurance companies in Wisconsin and who was once lauded as a high school football star, has an extensive criminal record that includes battery and domestic abuse — and now, charges for murder as he stands accused of butchering Robinson..... the Milwaukee Fire Department was called to a vehicle fire after Robinson's Honda Civic was discovered ablaze. Inside, investigators found pieces of her white shirt and ripped jeans as well as parts of her phone. Later that day, they discovered the first of several body parts belonging to the missing teen — a severed leg someone had stumbled upon in nearby Warnimont Park, a green space on the southeastern edge of the major city.
DNA testing eventually matched the leg, which reportedly still had nail polish on the toes, to Robinson. It had been "sawn off" at the hip, reports reveal. On April 5, just four days after she was missing, other body parts were discovered, with more to follow in the coming couple of days. They included a foot and other flesh, according to investigators.
The leg was tracked down after a ping on Robinson's phone revealed that she — or just her phone — had been at Warnimont Park at one point. It's believed that she was murdered at Anderson's home, where investigators found blood during a search on April 4. The bed was soaked in it, and splatters of the red bodily fluid were found on the walls leading to the man's basement.
The police also reportedly found several canisters of gasoline in the basement, which they believe were related to the torching of Robinson's car. That same day, the former high school football star was arrested during a traffic stop and eventually charged with murder. There are still several parts of Robinson's body that remain missing." 