Saturday, May 4, 2024

IN the NEWS - The Farm Credit Agency goes Gen. 6:5

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

Now the politicians are using the Farm Credit Agency to push their LFBT agenda in the push to normalize LGBT at every turn.....every thought at every turn is ONLY about expanding decadence into the mainstream.

"The Farm Credit Agency, which was created during the Great
Depression to help farmers who had been clobbered during the Dust Bowl, is now focusing on DEI. The agency, which offers credit to ranchers and farmers has just released a newsletter titled “
DEIA for All.” (The added "A" is for "accessibility.")

The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project managed to get a copy of the letter, which urges employees to perform the usual ritual of checking their biases. Along with that, they are also asked to learn about the LGBTQ experience in farming, and show pride in how the FCA "contributes to 'equity in farming.'"

"FCA supports the System’s mission to serve young, beginning, and small (YBS) farmers, ranchers, and producers and harvesters of aquatic products. It’s not unlikely that a portion of LGBTQI+ farmers would be YBS borrowers. They would require constructive credit and financially related services from the System, so it’s nice to think that we can have a hand in the contribution toward their success."

There is also a link to the article “The Queer Farmers Reimagining
American Agriculture
,” which talks about how LGBTQ farmers “can improve American agriculture in ways that their ‘straight, cis counterparts’ cannot.” 
Q: Do you hear that, you straight, cis farmers? You guys aren't pulling your weight out there."