Monday, May 27, 2024

IN the NEWS - Missionaries Slaughtered in Haiti

..... the LORD will abhor the bloody and deceitful man. 
Psalm 5:6

"U.S. Embassy in Haiti confirmed that at least two American citizens
were brutally murdered due to gang violence in Haiti on Thursday. Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker said his daughter, Natalie, and her husband, Davy, died in the attack. One other missionary was killed; however, it was unclear if the person was a U.S. citizen. According to FoxNews, "Davy and Natalie Lloyd, full-time missionaries to Haiti, were shot and killed at 9 p.m. Thursday".

---Police said Davy and Natalie were attacked by armed gangs in three cars while they were on their way back from church in a neighboring town. 
---The gangs also looted the missionaries' house. 
---The U.S. State Department has recovered and transported their bodies to the U.S. Embassy.....former President Trump paused for a moment to pay his respects to the "great families" of Natalie and Davy during a speech at the Libertarian Convention. In stark contrast, there has been no official direct mention of the murders of American citizens in Haiti from the White House by Biden." 