Monday, May 27, 2024

Creation Moment 5/28/2024 - Dangers to Humanity of Darwinists who want to Reverse God's order in Gen. 1:28

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. 
Genesis 1:28

"A good example of the ugly consequences of lousy ideas came out in an ABC (Australia) Radio National program last December. The December 10 Ockham’s Razor, hosted by the antitheist Robyn
Williams, featured a talk by Melbourne neuroscientist Dr John Reid. Williams, with hardly a word of comment, simply reproduced a talk Reid had given earlier (contrast this with his hostility to Christians, even going as far to boast about lying to a creationist).

Reid is convinced that planet earth is grossly overpopulated, and unless we take some radical steps, like culling the human race, we are all doomed. I kid you not. Let me give you his own words on the issue.

Reid begins his talk—which he entitled ‘Apocalypse now’—by offering the usual doomsday scenarios: ‘The fact is, Planet Earth cannot support the present human population.’ And he makes clear early on that he shares the worldview of the philosophical naturalists:
"Many people would say the character that most distinguishes human beings from all other animals is language. I suggest the only attribute that really distinguishes our species from all others is our ability to delude ourselves. Human beings are self-deluders. We can convince ourselves, in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary, that black is white and heat can flow from a cooler to a hotter body. It is this power of self-delusion that leads us to believe that somehow we will find a way to fix the problem of our unsustainable consumption of the Earth’s resources."

Then he starts to let the cat out of the bag: ‘I believe the problem of overconsumption/overpopulation will not be solved by civil means.’
Instead, we ‘in the affluent world will have to accept substantial reductions in our standard of living. … To achieve this, income and wealth distribution within our societies will have to become much more equal. The higher up the tree one is, the greater the sacrifice one will have to make.’

And it is all bad news if you happen to drive a car: the fleet of fossil-fuel-burning motor vehicles ‘will have to be reduced to no more than about 10% of the present number.’

Q: Will this be voluntary, or at the barrel of a gun?
Q: And will Reid be the first to give up his car?

And just to make sure that we have not missed his socialist and coercive agenda, he tells us:
"And private property rights will be severely curtailed to prevent landowners from engaging in environmentally-damaging behaviors. And many, many more such infringements on what we now regard as our rights will have to be accepted."

Nice of him to so glibly suggest how many rights must be stripped away from us.

Now for the really totalitarian and barbaric side to Reid’s proposals:
"The population of the world must be very quickly reduced to 5 billion (that is, if 6 billions equals 120% of capacity, then 5 billions equals 100%). And then, as the average level of affluence rises, fairly quickly reduced further to, say, 2 to 3 billion."

Well folks, there you have. Half of the human race needs to go.

He finishes his cheery picture on the fate of humanity with a misotheist rant:
"My plea is that we should face reality and begin to discuss the
unspeakable. Humanity must undergo a mind-shift. If you must have a God, at least recognize he/she/it did not give humanity license to trash the planet, whatever the Bible may tell you. Indeed, humanity has been all too compliant with the Biblical injunction to be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth. The precepts of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam represent the quintessential perversion of the human mind. They must be abandoned and the notion of the sanctity of human life must be subjugated to the greater sanctity of all life on Earth

Well there you have it folks."