Thursday, April 4, 2024

Up to Mount of God to Commune

Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord. 
Isaiah 2:3

"It is exceedingly beneficial to our souls to mount above this present evil world to something nobler and better. 
The cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches are apt to choke everything good within us, and we grow fretful, desponding, perhaps proud and carnal.

--It is well for us to cut down these thorns and briers, for heavenly seed sown among them is not likely to yield a harvest. 
Q: And where shall we find a better sickle with which to cut them down than communion with God and the things of the kingdom?

It would be well if the dwellers in the valley could frequently leave
their abodes among the marshes and the fever mists and inhale the bracing element upon the hills. It is to such an exploit of climbing that I invite you this evening.

May the Spirit of God assist us to leave the mists of fear and to ascend the mountains of anticipated joy and blessedness." 
Charles Spurgeon