Thursday, April 4, 2024

Creation Moment 4/5/2024 - Something is wrong at the core of Darwinian theory

....but became vain in their imaginations,....Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Romans 1:21,22

"......acknowledges the insufficiency of explaining evolution via natural selection (i.e. mutation and recombination plus various forms of selection)—and documents this point with ".....statements from leading evolutionary scientists.

We are grappling with the increasing feeling … that we just don’t
have the theoretical and analytical tools necessary to make sense of the bewildering diversity and complexity of living organisms
” (from the invitation to attend the Altenberg conference, p. 31).

Basically I don’t think anybody knows how evolution works” (Jerry Fodor, p. 34).

Oh sure natural selection’s been demonstrated … the interesting point, however, is that it has rarely if ever been demonstrated to have anything to do with evolution in the sense of long-term changes in populations. … Summing up we can see that the import of the Darwinian theory of evolution is just unexplainable caprice from top to bottom. What evolves is just what happens to happen” (Stanley Salthe, p. 21).“She [Lynn Margulis] sees natural selection as ‘neither the source of heritable novelty nor the entire evolutionary process’ and has pronounced neo-Darwinism ‘dead’, since there’s no adequate evidence in the literature that random mutations result in new species” (Mazur, p. 257).

........explaining these problems that are driving evolutionary scientists up the wall.

---One area is obviously the origin of life, since natural selection can’t operate until after life has begun
---Yet modern science has revealed breathtaking complexity of the simplest known self-reproducing lifeforms. 
*To explain away these difficulties, evolutionists are claiming the existence, on Earth, of countless lifeforms unlike any known lifeforms. They have no evidence of that; instead they are trying to keep their worldview from being falsified, by floating untestable explanations. In addition, evolutionists are now offering unknown processes of ‘self-assembly’ and ‘self-organization’ (and associated terms like ‘plasticity’).

Stephen Jay Gould noted that the fossil sequence shows the most disparate (most different) biological designs tend to show up first! Followed by the slightly less-disparate designs. 
Followed by the still less different designs. 
Until, lastly, the last slight bits of interspecies biological diversity are filled-in at the very end of the process. 
The general trend in the fossil sequence is: the various phyla show up first, later various Linnaean classes are filled in, and still later various Linnaean orders are filled in … and so forth. 
Gould called this pattern ‘disparity precedes diversity’. And evolutionists cannot blame this sequence on an ‘incomplete fossil record’, as they often try to do.

**That contradicts the expectations of Darwinism (and neo-Darwinism), which expects slow change that, over time, will gradually accumulate to large differences. 
In short, Darwinism expects the most disparate designs to show up last, not first. This is contradicted by the fossil record. 
(To be honest, to most people not emotionally invested in the matter, it falsifies the Darwinism.) Something is wrong at the core of Darwinian theory.

Recent discoveries in genetics are adding another interesting new challenge to the problem. Developmental biologists have observed a small set of genes coordinating organismal development of body
plans—and these are present across the multicellular kingdom, in the various phyla and classes. 
Evolutionists call this the ‘Developmental Genetic Toolkit’. According to evolutionary thinking, this complex toolkit must have originated in some common ancestor to all the phyla. 
But that common ancestor must have existed prior to first appearance of these phyla—in other words, prior to the Cambrian Explosion. 
The common ancestor (whose identity is still unknown) must have existed in the Pre-Cambrian— prior to the origin of multicellular life. In short, the genes that control body plans had to have originated when there were no bodies. The genes that control embryological development had to have originated when there were no embryos."