Saturday, April 20, 2024

Health Note - Kiwi Consumption & Mood

I wish above all things that thou mayest in health....
3 John 1:2

"Although the biochemical pathways linking fruits and vegetables to psychological symptoms are likely to be varied and complex, one vitamin that may contribute to such changes is vitamin C.

Vitamin C is involved in synthesizing neurotransmitters, peptide hormones and acts as a catalyst for several enzymes, all of which are required to maintain and promote healthy brain functioning, including mood.

Kiwifruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, which has shown a dose-dependent reduction in depression and total mood disturbance in young men who consume low levels of fruit and vegetables.

Previously, University of Otago’s Professor Tamlin Conner and colleagues demonstrated that two kiwifruit a day can promote markers of subjective vitality after two weeks of supplementation.

Improvements were similar for participants supplemented with vitamin C, though the greatest improvements occurred in participants with low vitamin C levels at baseline. “It’s great for people to know that small changes in their diet, like adding kiwifruit, could make a difference in how they feel every day.”

The scientists found kiwifruit supplementation improved vitality and mood within four days, peaking around 14-16 days, and improved flourishing from day 14. Vitamin C, on the other hand, marginally improved mood until day 12." 