Friday, February 23, 2024

Gleanings from Jezebel’s Name

And Jezebel his wife said unto him, Dost thou now govern the kingdom of Israel? 
arise, and eat bread, and let thine heart be merry: 
I will give thee the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite. 
1 Kings 21:7

"In the Old Testament Jezebel’s name is mentioned many times in the book of 1-2 Kings. It means “Baal exalts”.

The Greek word for Jezebel in the NT is a derivation of her name in Hebrew but with a twist.... Her name in the NT means “chaste.”

Jezebel’s name ends in “bel” which is a reference to Baal which was
associated with devil worship, hence the meaning of her name in the
OTBaal exalts.” 
 An example of “bel” as part of a name associated with the devil is “Beelzebub” and “Belial.” Jezebel’s name means chaste but with a satanic taint to it. 

There is a godly chastity that promotes godly fruit of character, to be pure, quiet, reserved and submissive (Ephesians 5:22-23). 
And there is a satanic chastity, to be outwardly quiet, reserved, not seeking to be the main attention in public, but secretly be working behind the scenes using smokescreens to be in control for your own selfish self-exalted desires which in turn produces corrupt and bad fruit.

The Spirit of Jezebel is determined, and molds the character of the weak husband. In the public eye however, Ahab is the one commanding giving orders. Jezebel is quiet in the background being a “good wife” in the eyes of the people, and Ahab seems to them like a good leader. But in reality, in the private life, Ahab is weak and Jezebel is the one in charge using Ahab and the prophets of Baal to do her bidding which produced bad fruit and death to those who worshiped God.

Jezebel professes to be a prophetess and seduces the servants of God (Revelation 2:20). 
Q:  How does she do this? 
A:  By being chaste and discrete on the outside appearing to be godly but using whomever she can to be her tool and work behind the scenes to achieve her selfish goals. Jesus says by their fruits ye shall know them, and the spirit of Jezebel will be known by the fruits he or she produces."
Nathanael Morel/Fulcrum7