Sunday, January 28, 2024

SDA Issues - Italian Church Loses Sight of Mission

It is time for thee, Lord to work; for they have made void thy law. Psalm 119:126

"An ecumenical vigil for peace took place in Italy to celebrate the 2024 Week of Christian Unity, in which Roman Catholics, Orthodox, and Seventh-day Adventists participated. 
This news was published on January 26, 2024, by Corriere Cesenate, the weekly information magazine for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cesena-Sarsina. 
The Catholic publication stated that the sole purpose of this gathering was for “Christians” to “return to being one flock according to the will of the Lord.” 
A local secular newspaper in Italy also reported on this ecumenical encounter and said that the leaders of five churches—Roman Catholic, Ukrainian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Romanian Orthodox, and Seventh-day Adventist—had signed a “unity of purpose” document to “counteract” the forces of “division” and to take “concrete” steps towards “peace.”
This is creating an identity crisis in Adventism, 
and many have lost sight of what we are supposed 
to be doing at this critical time in earth’s history." 