Sunday, January 28, 2024

IN the NEWS - Planned Parenthood Disagrees with God (surprise, surprise)

Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. 1 Corinthians 6:18

"Virginity is a social construct and everyone can create their own definition of what sex is, Planned Parenthood claims.
Planned Parenthood
— which notably profits from the killing of
unborn babies via abortion — posted a video to X on Thursday aimed at young people, explaining its definition of virginity and telling young people that they can create their own definition of sex rather than adhere to reality.

Sex means different things to different people. Generally speaking, society tends to define sex in a very narrow way: penetration — penis into vagina. But where does that definition leave queer people? Or folks who can’t, or don’t, have penis-in-vagina sex, and choose to have oral, anal, or another type of sex instead?” the pink-clad woman in the video says.
Sex is defined by one thing and one thing only: You! Maybe that’s being fingered for the first time. Maybe it’s having anal sex. Maybe it’s having your first orgasm. Maybe it’s masturbating for the first time, or when you enthusiastically consent to sex,” she claimed.

That’s the beauty of your sexual journey. You’re in charge, and you
can figure it out on your own terms. Choosing to have sex — when, what kind, where, and who with — is something that only you get to define,
” she concluded.
The organization, whose political arm notably lobbies for abortion-on-demand, the removal of parental consent and notification laws, and “gender-affirming care,” has previously acknowledged the existence of virginity but has considered it a “concept” for years." 