Friday, January 19, 2024

IN the NEWS - WEF calls in the Witch Doctors

.....and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.
2 Chronicles 33:6

"Witchcraft was on full display on January 18, 2024, at the World Economic Forum (WEF), as a witch doctor used demon incantations to guide attendees into the spirit world. After the spirits were invoked, a witch breathed upon the panel at the WEF, imparting a demonic blessing.
BNN News reported the following:
• “In an unprecedented moment at the renowned World Economic
(WEF) in Davos, an unusual spectacle unfolded as a traditional witch doctor took center stage, performing incantations and engaging attendees in a spiritual experience distinct from the forum’s typical business and political undertakings.

• “The witch doctor’s performance was a departure from the usual discussions focused on economic forecasts, innovations, and political trends. This divergence marked a significant shift, showcasing the forum’s broad-mindedness and acceptance of diverse perspectives and practices.

This is pure witchcraft. A witch breathed an unholy spirit on them. The WEF is giving spiritualism a global platform to be highlighted and celebrated.
In Genesis 3:1, Adam and Eve faced the lying serpent; in Exodus 7:10–12, Moses encountered sorcery in Pharaoh’s court; in Acts 13:8–13, Paul had to reprove witchcraft that was impeding God’s work; and in the last days, God’s people must resist and oppose, not join, the same demonic powers." 