Saturday, January 20, 2024

Creation Moment 1/21/2024 -Altruism poses a problem for Darwinism

For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning
that we should love one another. 
1 John 3:1

"Altruism is at cross purposes with the selfish reproductive drive of evolution, getting “more of me” into subsequent generations. a frankness seldom found, W.D. Hamilton, who set out the foundation for a full theory of kin selection noted:

With very few exceptions, the only parts of the theory of natural
selection which have been supported by mathematical models admit no possibility of the evolution of any characters which are on average to the disadvantage of the individuals possessing them. If natural selection followed the classical models exclusively, species would not show any behavior more positively social than the coming together of the sexes and parental care.

Thus, the problem of altruism crystallizes: 
Q: how is this type of behavior, which appears to have a detrimental impact upon an individual’s survival and reproductive capacity, fixed and spread in a population?"