Friday, January 26, 2024

IN the NEWS - TIME goes all Blue Law

But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: Exodus 20:10

"The Puritans were English Protestants seeking to “purify” the Church, and they were responsible for the blue laws in the American colonies.

Time Magazine would like to take us back to those days. The best scenario, of all the ones they can imagine, is to go back to the times when rest was required by law. On January 25, 2023, Time Magazine published an article titled “Rest Takes Hard Work” that spoke about the decline of rest in America. And what is their solution? They claim that we need to take rest seriously, just like the Puritans did by instituting “deliberate” rest.

The article said, in part:
Whether it’s breaks during the day, hobbies that take our mind off
work, weekly sabbaths or annual vacations, routines that layer periods of work and rest help us be more productive, have more sustainable careers, and enjoy richer and more meaningful lives.

Americans has long been known for our industry and ambition, but until recently, we also recognized the value of rest. The Puritans had a famously strict work ethic, but they also took their Sundays very seriously.
Post-Civil War … union organizers, mass media and entertainment, and the parks movement democratized leisure: rest became a right, enshrined as much in college sports and penny arcades as in labor law.
These sources paint a vision of American life in which work and leisure are partners in a good life.”
But in recent decades, the world turned against rest. Globalization, the decline of unions, and the rise of gig work are factors that have created an environment in which people and companies feel compelled to work constantly.”
People in high-stress, unpredictable jobs can’t depend on such routines.”

Q: How long before blue laws are passed to establish designated periods of rest and recuperation for our overworked society?" AdventMessenger