Saturday, January 27, 2024

Creation Moment 1/28/2024 -Robopteryx

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh:
Psalm 2:4

"South Korean evolutionists get the gong for this one. 
They’re saying that dinosaurs evolved wings to shoo insects. They even built a robot to prove it: their invention “Robopteryx,” with a simplistic dinosaur head, raises wing-like arms with paddles for hands that come down in front of itself. 
In a video demonstration, the wobbly arms scared a grasshopper they had placed on the ground to jump away. This must have been what pre-birds did with their forelimbs, the Darwin storytellers imagined. Evolution, having covered these arms with imaginary feathers, co-opted the insect-shooing arms into feather dusters. The pre-birds discovered other uses for the feather dusters, including wings. Powered flight was on its way, thanks to Darwin!"