Monday, January 8, 2024

Health Note - Corrupt Hearts at the American Diabetes Association

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9

"The sadistic biomedical profiteers over at the American Diabetes
, who benefit greatly (in fact, base their entire career on it) from increasing diabetes rather than solving it, have a recipe for “sweet and sour cucumbers” that contain 60 (!) grams of added processed sugar.
Diabetics should all, without exception, in perpetuity until their metabolic dysfunction is resolved and insulin sensitivity restored, be on either ketogenic or extremely low-carb diets. 

To the metabolically compromised, 
sugar is poison, 
and all the more so when it’s processed 
and unfiltered through fiber.

**The liberating and inconvenient truth —  — is that there is no physiological reason why type II diabetes can’t be fully reversed with the right information and a modicum of self-discipline.
**But then, if diabetics suddenly discovered their own power to heal themselves, the executives over at the ADA who make a killing off of the proliferation of disease might be forced to do an honest day’s work." 