Monday, January 8, 2024

Creation Moment 1/9/2024 - Where’s the evidence?

And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, ... Genesis 1:21

"Numerous ideas have been proposed as to why [according to the theory of evolution] aquatic creatures with backbones evolved from the sea up onto the land. 
Some say that fish first hauled themselves onto dry land to escape predators; another suggestion is that it allowed them to scavenge stranded fish.
The latest idea is that fish dragged themselves out of tropical Devonian waters ‘365 million years ago’ in order to bask in the sun. 
It is claimed this gave the fish an energy boost that made them more agile in the water, and it was ‘the evolutionary milestone that heralded the rise of all land vertebrates, including us’.
New Scientist, 31 July 2004, p. 13.
Great storytelling—Q: but where’s the evidence?"