Saturday, December 2, 2023

IN the NEWS - Some CULT Leaders Trapped in German Snow.....

Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; 
but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.
Proverbs 20:17

"While world leaders spoke at a 'global warming' conference in
Dubai,---discussing the usual: banning gas stoves, cows cutting gas, and petrol-powered vehicles, a powerful snowstorm grounded all flights at Munich Airport in Germany.

"Private jets in Munich on the way to Dubai global warming conference are literally frozen on the runway, which has turned into a glacier," said Ryan Maue, a meteorologist and former NOAA chief scientist.

---If world leaders actually believed in global warming, they would've not flown private jets to the desert. 
---Furthermore, having a global warming conference in an area where it snows is just bad optics for these virtue-signaling elites." 