Friday, December 1, 2023

IN the NEWS - Going Full Rom. 1:22 in Secular Cosmology

Claiming to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:22). Creationists are routinely mocked by evolutionists for believing that mankind once lived with dinosaurs. 

So, I just had to shake my head and chuckle when I read the first line of this article, “A new study argues that a real-life ‘Jurassic World’ could currently exist, just on another planet.”
---So, it’s foolish to believe that God created dinosaurs on day six of creation week, on the same day as mankind, just a few thousand years ago . . . but it’s not foolish to believe dinosaurs evolved on a distant planet and we just need to look for the right signatures to find them? Yes, Romans is right, “Claiming to be wise, they became fools.” 

Studies like this one simply highlight yet again that humans are willing to grasp at anything rather than believe the truth of God’s Word."