Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Lucifer's state of the world

A well written article from F7 by Daniel Bacchiocchi

"One may argue that Lucifer attempted to rationalize celestial injustice through his prism of ideology. 
Though not a deity, he was a superior being. 
From his perspective, since he had commanded companies of angels and was of exceeding intellect, he was capable of participating in a divine conference on the creation of humanity. 
He had the mechanics needed to serve at a celestial level
He should have been afforded a role and purpose in alignment with his conscientiousness. 
---In making his intellect and reasoning the barometer of justice and fairness, Lucifer sought to reform the injustice in God’s government.

At the conclusion of the conflict, when
Lucifer and his followers
were defeated and driven from Heaven, he realized that his purity and glory were lost. Heaven could ill afford to reinstate the originator of sin, as the seeds of rebellion were planted within him. Thus, “
their sin—their hatred, their envy and jealousy—had been so great that God could not blot it out.” (EW 146.1).

We all know the story does not end there. Having sealed his fate, Lucifer, once the covering cherub, reversed his repentant spirit and directed “malice and hatred” towards God’s government and ultimately attacked His creation and their Redeemer.

God had instructed man to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. We were to advance upon and occupy the earth. He would preserve humanity in their quest to populate earth, but man instead leaned on humanism and chose safety in numbers.… man chose to trust in his capacity, strength, and enlightenment.

In recent centuries, the advancement of humanism within Judeo-Christian society has brought about the rejection of God, without immediately incurring the associated desolation
 That is, where science and society once advanced to understand and glorify God, it now advances to show that we do not need a God. 
*But the moral decay and chaos that must inevitably follow is delayed because of prior foundational Spiritual fruits.

Atheism and agnosticism have begun an exponential rise. In 1976,
91% of the US population identified as Christian, by 2022 only 64% did. Humanism is replacing Theism, and it undermines nearly every part of society.

But with the greater wealth that is spread more evenly throughout the world, human society has grown more self-sufficient, more focused on gain and physical comfort, more cold, more selfish, and self-focused.

As on the plains of Shinar, Satan’s ability to implant envy, jealousy and hatred within contemporary hearts and minds has created a firm ideological prism that impinges on our daily lives in compounding ways. 
*With the aid of 24/7 360-degree technology, the assault on humanity in general, and Christianity in particular, is more ferocious than ever. Today, it may seem that religion has very nearly been banished from the ivory tower.

Yet, we cannot conform God’s tenets to our ideology. 
We must recognize our finite minds are not positioned to fully understand supernatural design. Just because one wishes it so, humanistic ideology does not transform false beliefs into truths, any more than the atheistic ideology of the scientific world can make evolution a reality. Truth stands as its own.

The spawn of Communism, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Critical Race Theory, Diversity Equity & Inclusion, LGBTQ+, Gender Fluidity, Evolution, Environmentalism, are all sub-religions of Humanism.

Like a Trojan horse, religious, social, and political ecumenism has been embraced as the gift to unite the world. With hubris, theologians and church leaders are emboldened to culturally condition Biblical truths.

The pursuit of equal outcomes is not spiritual. The Spirit of Prophecy clearly dispels the concept of celestial equity, in the past, present or future.

"If you have not laid aside your envy, your jealousies, your hatred one against another, you cannot enter into the kingdom of God. You would only carry the same disposition with you; but there will be nothing of this character in the world to come. Nothing will exist there but love and joy and harmony. Some will have brighter crowns than others, but there will be no jealous thoughts in any heart among the redeemed. Each one will be perfectly satisfied, for all will be rewarded according to their work[emphasis added].—The Signs of the Times, February 10, 1888

History has taught us that humanism advances at the cost of humanity. 

Communism, Socialism, Fascism and Totalitarianism have all failed, with a catastrophic death toll.

Scientists working feverishly to prove that life can emerge from matter have found it impossible to explain the complex genetic code and mathematical order that is required to operate a single cell, let alone to create one.

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few (Mat. 9:37). Could it be because they are preoccupied with pursuing social justice?"
Daniel Bacchiocchi/Fulcrum 7