Thursday, November 9, 2023

Creation Moment 11/10/2023 - What do they see?

....thou hast prepared the light and the sun. Psalm 74:16
Q: What do they see?
A: They see one sun in our solar system.
--yet they think that because 80% of solar systems have 2 suns, ours should to....but since 80% don't---it shouldn't be a shock that we don't. But because of who they are, they let their DISEASED IMAGINATION run wild and just make up imaginary suns they claim once existed. 

"Purportedly, 80 percent of star systems are binary systems. 
They have two suns. 
Ours is not—at least not anymore. Astronomers have suggested that, once upon a time, we may have had a second sun, which has been dubbed Nemesis." BF