Sunday, August 20, 2023

Papal Notes - Fiji Bends the Knee

 .....and all the world wondered after the beast....
Revelation 13:3
"On June 21, 2023, Vatican News reported that Fiji is currently working on plans to put Laudato Si’ into action. In an article titled “Oceania, a Movement to Apply Laudato Si’ to the Context of Fiji,” the Vatican published the following:
• “To know creation is to know the Creator, said Saint
Columbanus, and as his followers we are called to hear the cry of the earth, the cry of the poor”, say the missionaries who started a journey and a movement of awareness and action to apply the encyclical
Laudato si’ to the context of Fiji, under the motto ‘a better future is in our hands.”
• “It is a complex, comprehensive, global and also moral scientific obligation for all of us to try to work together with our governments, NGOs, civil society, scientists, theologians and communities to address the preservation of human life and the ‘common home’ at different levels in our societies, as Pope Francis says in Laudato Si’.” 

Rome is fulfilling its role by getting the kings of the earth
Revelation 17:12, 13) to endorse its policies, including Laudato Si’. The Pope’s encyclical is a warning about the imminent climate crisis and addresses the natural disaster phenomenon. 
According to the actual text, ‘Laudato Si’ has a “Sunday” rest provision (section #237) and an “enforcement of law” provision (section #179).

Notice how the Sunday Law measure will be introduced to the world:

By false representations and angry appeals they will stir up the passions of the people … they will resort to oppressive enactments … To secure popularity and patronage, legislators will yield to the demand for a Sunday law” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 451).
The mark of the beast will come through “false representations and angry appeals.” This sums up the entire climate change movement today. 
The Vatican is using its vast network and loyal church members to lobby political leaders by urging them to adopt Laudato Si’. Climate change agitators are campaigning to stop the so-called desecration of the environment. 
This climate issue has become part of the international debate that is bringing the world together. Rome is aware of this and is taking advantage of the opportunity to introduce its doctrine into the debate.
There will be two clear voices being heard as we enter the final crisis: 
(1) Rome’s clear call that Sunday is the solution to saving the planet;
(2) the warning message found in the Third Angel’s Message against the mark of the beast."  