Sunday, August 20, 2023

Creation Moment 8/21/2023 - Remove the Stench of Darwin from the Lab

 ....and there is much rubbish... Nehemiah 4:10

"Think of the possibilities if science returned to its roots, explaining
the natural world by reference to observable, repeatable, testable data. Without
the stench of Darwin in the lab, researchers could see and think clearly, following the evidence where it leads.
Accurate data on dynamic molecular aggregates in cells for the first time (University of Freiburg, 15 Aug 2023). The Darwinists at MIT should look at how biochemists in Germany and England handled their discussion of molecular condensates in cells. They had no need of Darwin’s hypothesis. They just told it straight what they observed.
In cells, many vital processes take place in membraneless molecular aggregates, which help ensure that the molecules involved are present at the right concentration and in proximity to each other. Scientists from the Cluster of Excellence CIBSS at the University of Freiburg, Germany, and the University of Cambridge, UK, have only now been able to observe and analyze the formation of such condensates in living cells for the first time. Writing in the journal Nature Communications, they show that this process is controlled not by physical forces alone, but also by active biological mechanisms.
Q: Would a worker in any other field be complimented for explaining a phenomenon by answering that stuff just happens?"