Sunday, July 23, 2023

Papal Notes - AI as a Tool to Bring the "World Together"

.....and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
Revelation 18:3
"The Vatican is getting in on the
AI craze. The Holy See has released a handbook on the ethics of artificial intelligence as defined by the Pope.
The guidelines are the result of a partnership between Francis and Santa Clara University’s Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Together, they’ve formed a new organization called the Institute for Technology, Ethics, and Culture (ITEC). 
The ITEC’s first project is a handbook titled Ethics in the Age of Disruptive Technologies: An Operational Roadmap....according to Father Brendan McGuire, pastor of St. Simon Parish in Los Altos and an advisor to ITEC, the initiative is the culmination of longstanding interests for the church. 
**He argues the Vatican wields a unique ability to bring key players to the table...."The idea was to use the Vatican’s convening power to bring executives from the entire world together" Father Brendan told Gizmodo in an interview. 
Rather than wait for governments to set rules for industry, the ITEC
hopes to provide guidance for people within tech companies who are already wrestling with
AI’s most difficult questions.
The manual spells out one anchor principle for companies: ensuring that “Our actions are for the Common Good of Humanity and the Environment.” 