Sunday, July 23, 2023

AI (artificial intelligence) generating more confusion about the "soul"

 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground,
 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living soul.
Genesis 2:7
Already the AI debate has brought more confusion over the "soul" into the public arena as proved in the piece below from the online magazine In All Things.
First, the "soul" occurs in the human race when GOD leaned over and breathed His Breath of Life into mankind. (God isn't breathing into AI)
Second, man isn't God, so man doesn't have the ability to create a "soul". (so this topic shouldn't even be coming up)
Third, where the below article goes haywire the most (in the ending line) we should NOT be looking to robots for answers or affirmation of our souls. (we know where our soul came from and that is the only place we should look for answers and affirmation in life)

"René Descartes; namely, that intelligence is a thing and that we are
essentially minds (or brains in jars, as a philosophical experiment would have it). 
The “soul” in this equation is just some mysterious ether that hovers around us and is either placed there by God or is part of a package deal with intelligence. If we can replicate intelligence in some other matter, we can produce another mind.
For thinkers such as Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, the soul is the form of the person as a complete entity. The parts of a human being only make sense when they are operating in relation to the whole, and this includes body and will along with intellect. 
*In an era when we are being dehumanized at an alarming rate through abortion, euthanasia, and pornography as well as consumerism, it is to the robot that we look to affirm our humanity, our mystery, our immateriality, our souls."