Friday, June 16, 2023

The "Really" File - (WEL CO-ME to the CIA)

The LORD observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil.
Genesis 6:5 NLT
"The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) celebrated LGBTQ Pride
Month on its official social media page and welcomed people to celebrate the “rich history” of its “LGBTQ+ officers.”
Using WELCOME as an acronym, the official CIA Twitter page said for people to consider Wellness, Equity, LGBTQ+, Community, Openness, and ME, declaring that “CIA’s 2023 theme for #Pride Month is WELCO-ME!”
The agency began heralding its woke bona fides in 2021 when it released an ad starring a “cisgender millennial” touting her identity. As John Nolte wrote at the time:
The video plays like a Saturday Night Live spoof (if Saturday Night Live wasn’t itself infected with woke), but it’s not a spoof. This sits proudly on the CIA’s verified YouTube page with the hashtags #KnowYourValue and WomenInIntel.
From the "Really" File

The recruitment video features a preening, unnamed narcissist who literally struts around preaching about how awesome she is, how proud she is of herself, not because of her accomplishments, but because of something she has no control over — her identity, her race, gender, her sexuality (cisgender), and even — get this — her “generalized anxiety disorder.”
Did you notice the one word this CIA officer did not use…?
Not once did she use the word American.
She’s gushing with self-pride over everything about her identity, but not once does she say “I am an American.” Breitbart