Friday, June 16, 2023

IN the NEWS - Will Anyone Be Held Accountable?

Q: Will Anyone Be Held Accountable in the Public Arena for this? 
Q: Will anyone be jailed for lying to the public under oath on this topic over the last 3 years? 
---we've known many of the purveyors of Mandatory Masks have known for a long time--including those testifying under oath--of this.
Fauci and his emails come to mind. Remember that he told people in private NOT to wear the masks becasue they don't work good enough for this virus that is smaller than 0.3 zicrons while wearing his mask before congress and pushing for mandatory masking as effective--while under oath. And what about Trudeau in Canada and other world leaders? Most of them knew this for a long time.

"On Sunday, after sending out the wrong email saying that un-vaccinated visitors must mask up and maintain 6’ from everyone
else, the White House reluctantly issued new masking guidance which states that "masks are not required" for state events. 
A recent study published by Cochrane Library, which is funded by the National Institutes of Health, dug into the findings of 78 randomized controlled trials to determine whether "physical interventions" – including face masks and hand-washing – lessened the spread of respiratory viruses.
The conclusion about masks undercuts the scientific basis for masking, according to the study's lead author, Tom Jefferson.
 There is just no evidence that they” (masks) “make any
difference,” he told the journalist Maryanne Demasi
. “Full stop.” 
When asked specifically about fitted N95 masks in health care settings, Jefferson said, "It makes no difference, none of it."
Mask mandates didn’t help, but they were—for some—a wearable
alternative to the
MAGA hat.
---COVID masks are like a priest’s frock collar.  It’s a vestment worn by acolytes of the Branch Covidian order. For them, no mandate is considered intrusive when virtue signalling points are up for grabs. “Why do you hate science?” they puffed, upon seeing your face in Home Depot, and your nose in the Apple Store. But in reality, it was these woke mask proponents who were anti-science.
The real lesson from the pandemic isn’t that masking doesn’t work. It is that the worst of all despotism is the heartless tyranny of lockstep and her twin sisters, mindless compliance, and snitching on your non-compliant neighbors."
Gerry Waggoner/Fulcrum7 
And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.  Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:3-5