Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Papal Notes - A Billion Squigles

These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.  
Revelation 17:13
"The World Meeting on Human Fraternity, scheduled for June 10,
2023, will bring representatives from around the world to the Vatican.
Pope Francis, his cardinals and bishops, thirty Nobel Prize winners, environmentalists, schoolchildren, various charities, and many other political and religious figures will be present to discuss the theme of creating a global fraternity. 
The following was published by Vatican News:
They will present the Pontiff with a document on fraternity and together they will launch a campaign to collect one billion signatures on it.”
The purpose of gathering
one billion signatures for Rome’s universal fraternity is to show that the public supports the pope’s agenda and to persuade others to endorse the same cause."