Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Creation Moment 6/7/2023 - Tongue Lashing for Darwinism

So they shall make their own tongue to fall upon themselves:  Psalm 64:8

"Our tongue lashing is not for author Elizabeth Pennisi, who is
generally a fair reporter when it comes to Darwinism, and usually avoids the just-so storytelling method. 
The rebuke is for Darwin who made it acceptable to say that anything and everything “evolved” simply because it exists.
Since first evolving 350 million years ago, the tongue has taken myriad forms, unlocking new niches and boosting the diversity of life.
It just evolved. With its intricate muscles, nerves and sensors, the tongue should be seen as a marvel of engineering. But ever since the Darwin Party redefined science to exclude design and insist on naturalistic answers, biologists have gotten lazy. It gets automatic peer review and acceptance, no matter how just-so the story." CEH