Saturday, May 6, 2023

The "Really" File - (Meet the U.S. Navy's new "Digital Ambassador")

1) A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul, 
2) but fools detest turning from evil.
Proverbs 13:19 NIV
"In response to a significant decline in recruitment, the Navy reportedly enlisted the help of an active duty sailor who is also a drag queen to join its “digital ambassador” program. The program
aimed to expand its reach to potential recruits through social media platforms such as Instagram.
The Navy was looking for innovative ways to engage with younger recruits, particularly those in Generation Z. They enlisted an active-duty drag queen to take part in a test initiative aimed at using popular social media platforms to reach a broader audience, given the military’s significant recruitment challenges.
Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, who goes by the stage name Harpy Daniels, revealed that he was invited by the Navy to become its inaugural “Navy Digital Ambassador.”
USSCM: How did your drag performances shipboard come about? 
Kelley: My performance on the ship was from a morale-boosting
From the "Really" File

MWR (Morale, Welfare and Recreation) event. They held a lip sync competition. Knowing this was a regular event, I decided to bring my drag during the deployment because lip syncing and impersonations are a prime performance we do as entertainers. For myself, drag has been a passion, an art, and a way to express myself. The importance of the lip sync event was to raise morale, give us some joy and entertainment.
USSCM: What are your plans and goals, both as a drag queen and a Navy sailor?
Kelley: My goals as a sailor are to continue working hard, make first (class) and become the first officer in my family. (See #1 in above verse)
As for drag, I hope to continue performing, building safe spaces for queer individuals, and one day make it on RuPaul’s Drag Race as one of the first active service members." (See #2 in above verse) TrendingPolitics