Saturday, May 6, 2023

Creation Moment 5/7/2023 - Darwinism Behind Search for Aliens

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools... Romans 1:22
"What explains the fascination with extraterrestrials in the science media? In a word: Darwinism.
Let’s probe the minds of evolutionists in recent news. Has an alien mind virus infected the true believers?
Silence reveals insights in search for extraterrestrial life (EPFL, 23
April 2023
). This article shares the opinions of Claudio Grimaldi about why the search is worthwhile despite the silence.
The search for radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations has yet to yield evidence of alien technological activity. Research carried out at EPFL suggests we continue searching while optimizing the use of available resources.
Q: But why? 
A: Grimaldi thinks the time is ripe because of thousands of exoplanets discovered. The underlying presumption is that if a habitable planet exists, nature will drive it to be inhabited.
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence currently has the wind in its sails, buoyed by the discovery, around 20 years ago, of the first planets beyond our solar system. Today, researchers assume there could be as many as 10 billion Earth-like planets – rocky, the right size, and located at the right distance from the sun to harbor life. Their sheer number increases the likelihood that technological life may have developed on one of them.
Developed” is a synonym for “evolved” from material substances to life, complex life, consciousness and technology.
New Paper Investigates Intelligent Life’s Origins (Florida Tech News, 12 April 2023). The subtitle of this article does not even question a naturalistic origin of life.
A new paper published by Florida Tech astrobiologist Manasvi Lingam examines a core question: Is technology-based intelligence more likely to evolve on land or in water?
Manayasi Lingham thinks that the probability is good that intelligent design evolves from mindless chemicals, given the right conditions and enough time. 
Humans are a classic example of the kind of technological intelligence that can profoundly sculpt the biosphere through
purposeful activities and produce detectable signatures of their technology. In the paper, the authors performed a
Bayesian analysis of the probability of technologically intelligent species existing in land-based habitats and ocean-based habitats. It was found that ocean-based habitats should be more likely to host technological species, if all other factors are held equal, because ocean worlds are likely to be much more common.
Bayesian analysis is only as good as two things: 
---the assumptions going into the estimates or prior probability, 
---and the evidence that can update the estimates. 
Lingam must not be good at math.  
Just as one should never build an argument with a sample size of one, one should not do Bayesian analysis about the probability of space aliens when the only life known is on Earth." CEH