Tuesday, May 30, 2023

IN the NEWS - How Target went all Gen. 6:5

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

"Target’s shareholders lost $9 billion in stock market value because
the suite mixed its professional duties with its personal agendas, including advocacy for transgenderism.
The poster boy for this high-risk policy is Target’s vice president for brand marketing, Carlos Saavedra. He moonlights as a board member of an advocacy group for K-12 transgenderism and gay status. The group, titled GLSEN, is an acronym chosen by the teachers who formed the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education
in 1990.
Target’s website says Saavedra leads Target brand stewardship & campaign development for initiatives including Holiday, Back-to-School/College, Target Run, Discovery, Inclusive Marketing, and Digital & Social Engagement.”
He works alongside Jennifer Breeden Okun, the senior vice president for design and packaging at Target. She touts her identity as a pro-transgender “She/Her” on LinkedIn, where she also displays the merged symbols of Target and gay advocacy." Breitbart