Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Creation Moment 5/31/2023 - Mathematical Works of His Fingers : ⅟₂₀ × ⅟₂₀ × ⅟₂₀ … 329 times

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers... 
Psalm 8:3

"Just think about one essential machine that copies the DNA
instructions for making each protein. Then let’s take just one protein component of that machine, less than 10% of the total. This protein is 329 amino acids in length. 
Q: What would be the chance of getting this one protein by chance, assuming that the correct, and only the correct, amino acid ingredients were present?
A: Calculate it this way: ⅟₂₀ × ⅟₂₀ × ⅟₂₀ … 329 times! This is a probability of 1 in 10428 … a number with 428 zeros after the 1! 
***Even if every atom in the universe (1080—a number with 80 zeros) represented an experiment for every molecular vibration possible (1012 per second) for the supposed evolutionary age of the universe (14 billion years = 1018 seconds), this would allow ‘only’ 10110 experiments—a long, long way short of the number needed to have a ghost of a chance of getting just this one protein to form, let alone the over 400 others needed. 
--It’s no wonder that Richard Dawkins admits that scientists might never work out how life could arise by natural processes." CMI