Friday, April 14, 2023

"PoP" Goes Marxism [Jer. 17:9 Case Study- Marxism of Hate]

 The heart is deceitful above all things,
 and desperately wicked:
 Jeremiah 17:9 
Gramsci, one of the philosophical contributors to the poison known
today as
Cultural Marxism (of which Critical Race Theory is based) was caught up in his own Faculty Lounge of Academia in his own head---twisted around terms like "praxis" amd "hegemony".
Gramsci believed Capitalism stemmed from Calvinism.  
In his twisted academic Faculty Lounge of his own head, he got tripped up over "praxis" and "hegemony" so much that he believed that the philosophy of "praxis" (referred to in philosophical circles as PoP) was reality and that religion was the result of separation from it.  PoP leads to more Hate than just the Marxism of Class Hate....
---He borrowed from Marx his "realization of philosophy" which, in simplified terms, taught that societal philosophical problems can only be resolved by revolutionary action. Hence, the Frankfurt School of Marxism, and Gramsci, who fine tuned it into Cultural Marxism for Cultural Revolutions, such as through Critical Race Theory.
***In the article from Fulcrum7 below, one can see the results of Gramsci's twisted debates from within his own Faculty Lounge of Academia in his own head with the likes of Marx taken to a Cultural Level rather than a purely Socio-Economic Level. (In this case--pitting the Culture against each other via Race in order for it to be brought down).
"In a recent Rasmussen poll, only 53% of black people responded that it was “okay to be white.”  Not to be a white racist or a white
supremacist, but merely to be white. Twenty-six percent said it was “not okay to be white,” and 21% said they weren’t sure. In other words, almost half of blacks were not sure if it is okay for white people to be allowed to exist. 
This is the result of making critical race theory the official ideology of American education. Marxist Critical Race Theory teaches that white people are all white supremacists, irredeemably hateful and oppressive, merely because they were born into the white race. 
.... cultural Marxism, which was formulated by the Italian Marxist
Antonio Gramsci, does not teach Marx’s belief in common ownership of the means of production. 
Instead, Marxist Critical Theory is a broad-based attack on many aspects of our civilization, including an attack on our epistemological norms and beliefs.  
---Marxist Critical Race Theory is blatantly racist, an attack on the
white race very reminiscent of Nazism’s attack on the Jews
Q: Shouldn’t it be easier for us to recognize that this is sinful?
Wrong thinking inevitably leads to wrong actions; the rhetoric of dehumanization is designed to prepare you to carry out the atrocities.  
---First, they tell you that Jews are subhuman, then they tell you to march them into the gas chambers." DavidRead/F7
Ripped from Current Headlines: Example of the Poison of Woke/Cultural Marxism-- "Thirty-seven-year-old Karen Ivery compared herself to civil rights icon Rosa Parks after accosting a Target manager, ultimately leading to a loss prevention officer allegedly punching her in the face. “This is my Rosa Parks moment,” Ivery reportedly told officers after the October 2022 incident at a
Target store. 
According to the police report, Ivery asked the Target cashier to speak with the manager about “reparations” while she was trying to pay for her $1,000 grocery bill. Once the manager arrived, Ivery continued her demands for reparations before becoming upset and “aggressively” walking toward the manager. 
Ivery kept berating her about reparations and her privileged life” while walking toward the manager, the police report explained. 
Next, 28-year-old loss prevention officer Zach Cotter arrived on the scene to try and diffuse the situation. Cotter reportedly asked Ivery to calm down and leave, but she then screamed at him and followed him into his office. After Cotter unsuccessfully tried to shut the office door on Ivery, she made her way in, leading Cotter to punch Ivery directly in the face. 
Officers arrived on the scene, reviewed security footage from the incident, determined Ivery was the “aggressor,” and then arrested her. “Ivery was confrontational with officers on the scene and didn’t want to explain her actions,” the police report added. In an apparent video of the incident, Ivery can be heard telling officers she wanted to speak with the manager “so we could have a larger conversation about how money works, and how the provision works, and how it’s been working in our community in a very wrong way.Breitbart
Q: Who put the Poison that she, who was never a slave, was owed Reparations by those who never owned slaves?
A: Cultural Marxism.
Q: Who told her that the manager (apparently white) was leading a privileged life?
A: Cultural Marxism.