Friday, April 14, 2023

IN the NEWS - Ripped from America's Headlines [Why Big Government / Marxsim Opposed Christianity Case Study]

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
John 15:18
A Case Study from Current Events in America as to why Marxism Opposed to religion and Big Government Liberal types are hostile towards Religion. 
Because IF one holds a higher allegiance to some "god" than the state--well you would obviously oppose the State at certain times.....
"What would happen to a Christian group or ministry that can’t have
Christian leaders or employ Christians? Well, it would very quickly cease to be Christian! And that’s what will happen to Christian groups on college campuses if the
US Department of Education does indeed do what it’s trying to do—“rescind regulations which protect religious organizations on public college and university campuses.” What the US Department of Education is trying to do is roll back protections that allow Christian (and other religious) groups on campuses to require their leaders to agree with their statement of faith. Of course, we all know this has to do with LGBTQ and abortion issues. 
And of course we know the secular groups won’t have their leaders be born-again Christians." AIG