Sunday, April 2, 2023

IN the NEWS - Dangers of the Secular Left (Hale & Shaviro)

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he... Proverbs 23:7
* Exactly who is a "racist, homophoic or transphobic" in this professors worldview? That would be ANYBODY who doesn't share his political leftist views. Those 3 descriptive terms are used in political discourse to smear those who oppose the left. They repeat the same childish name calling over & over & over again like a broken record. One could make the case that Liberalism is truly the Title of a Michael Savage book from over a decade ago.....

"Jesus said whatever was in the heart of a person would come out in
three ways—the way we talk, the way we think, and the way that we act.
This week, a liberal professor at Wayne State University in Detroit used his Facebook account this week to say that it was ineffective for students to simply protest speakers they disagree with because it gives the orators “publicity and validation.”  His words demonstrate what is in his heart.
Although I do not advocate violating federal and state criminal codes, I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down,” professor Steven Shaviro stated in a since-deleted post. 
Shaviro, who teaches English and film studies at Wayne University has been suspended with pay by the school.
In an email to students Monday, Wayne State president Dr. M. Roy Wilson said the university found Shaviro’s comments “at best, morally reprehensible and, at worst, criminal."
Shaviro was suspended with pay and school officials referred the matter to law enforcement officials, the email said.  
  • Consider the mentally ill transgender woman who targeted a
    Christian school in Tennessee, because as a transgender, he considered Christians to be her enemies.
    There can be no confusion on this anymore. Least of all from complacent Christians whose moral lethargy has helped enable this societal crisis.  
    Audrey Hale was not confused, he knew which side he was fighting for. I believe that’s why she left behind a manifesto rather than a suicide note. The LGBT jihad wants to dominate and supplant you if you refuse to affirm them. Not affirming them is a crime in their eyes and that crime justifies killing you." Fulcrum7