Sunday, April 2, 2023

Creation Moment 4/3/2023 - Modern Day Evolutionary Repetition of Hitler

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5
"Recently UK politician Colin Brewer has reportedly compared disabled children to deformed lambs with five legs or two heads that need to be killed
In an interview with Disability News Service, he reportedly said,
We are just animals. He [the farmer] obviously has got a point … You can’t have lambs running around with five legs and two heads. … It [the lamb] would be put down, smashed against the wall and be dealt with.”
His reason apparently is financial. According to Disability News, when asked if there was any difference between killing a lamb or a human being, he reportedly said: “I think the cost has got to be evaluated.” One is reminded of Hitler’s railing against humans he called ‘useless eaters’.
How tragic that so many have swallowed the lie of evolutionthe erroneous theory that says we are all animals, and that God does not exist, so we will not be called to account for how we have treated our fellow human beings." CMI