Wednesday, March 15, 2023

IN the NEWS - Green TV Evangelist Deletes Tweet

 Being filled with ....deceit... Romans 1:29

"Greta Thunberg was forced to delete a tweet predicting the world
could no longer be saved in 2023.
So why did she delete this tweet?
Here’s what happened…
In June of 2018, the high school dropout tweeted a quote from an article predicting, “climate change [which is a hoax] will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.”
In other words, the point of no return is 2023. 
In other words, nothing can be done if we do not stop using fossil fuels by 2023. 
*Well, if nothing can be done, that means the entire environmental movement might as well pack up and go home. What’s the use of doing anything if it’s too late? If we’re doomed, Greta might as well get off the stage......" 